

secureBan was a fun project to get rid of trollers & exploiters in ROBLOX games.

How it works

  • secureBan utilizes the ROBLOX API to get the user's CPU clock. While you may think this is easily resettable with a restart, it isn't that simple. Due to the way restarts/shutdowns work, sometimes the CPU is still running in extremely low power mode. Specifically, Windows "Fast Startup," which is enabled by default.
  • Matched with the users region, we can get players banned for a very long time until a system update, unless they figured out we used the CPU clock & physically unplugged their PC / turned off Fast Startup.

Additional Info

  • I also made a whole portal for users to purchase and manage their subscription on secureBan. You can find it by clicking the url button above.
  • The portal utilizes Firebase to manage subscriptions and keep the database. An addition, a seperate webserver was made to safely interact with the database & checking subscriptions.
  • This project also utilizes the ROBLOX API to get the games player count, making sure that you must upgrade to unlimited if you want over 10,000 players.